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The New Jersey Enhancing School Mental Health Services Project: Statewide Trainings builds on the NJDOE’s efforts to support the implementation of the New Jersey Comprehensive School Mental Health Resource Guide. Statewide training will be provided to educators, administrators, and school mental health professionals to help increase knowledge of evidence-based practices related to school mental health. The trainings will take place at various locations throughout the state, with a limited number of virtual sessions available for some training dates.

Statewide Trainings are designed to support all learners and provide opportunities for interaction and collaboration with New Jersey educators across the state. The goal of our team is to support you with the implementation of your CSMH, no matter what stage you are at in the process. We strive to provide interactive, engaging and tailored professional development designed to meet your needs.

To select the training best for you, we’ve labeled each training by level. The training levels are listed below.

Level 1 trainings are for those new to Comprehensive School Mental Health (CSMH) and are looking for an introduction.

Level 2 trainings are for those who have some experience and need further guidance in implementation.

Level 3 trainings are for those who have completed their implementation and are looking for advanced strategies to refine their practice.

Please view the training schedule below for dates, training description, and registration.

NOTE: If you are one of the selected 50 schools participating in the Enhancing School Mental Health Services project, you DO NOT need to register for statewide trainings.


Training Schedule – 2025

Click on the “+” icon to far right of each training title to view dates/times and a summary.

NOTE: We are not able to accommodate individuals at in-person trainings if they have not previously registered in time.

An illustration of a blue speech bubble, with a smiling face, and hands giving two thumbs up.

What Our Attendees Are Saying 


“The workshop was fantastic! I shared the resources with leaders in my district and look forward to more topics in the family and community partnerships area; especially when behaviors are present before a diagnosis.” — School Counselor from Marlboro Township Public Schools (Monmouth County)

“The case studies, interactive activities, and vignettes all provided a better understanding of the MTSS model and universal assessments.” — Attendee of Understanding Your School’s Mental Health Needs 2023

“I liked that this training included a blended approach, where the presenters spoke and allowed for time to discuss with small groups and personal reflection. This allowed for us to take a moment to process the information personally and with others.” — Attendee of Establishing Community & Family Supports 2023

Sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), Division of Educational Services, in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling Professions Center for Comprehensive School Mental Health at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; 100% funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 – Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund.